Established in 1925, this busy and successful service club is the oldest Y’s Men’s club in Ontario.
The club continues to support the YMCA of Midland and the broader community through an array of projects and activities that the local Y’s Men have created, operated and/or funded.
Our casual weekly dinner meetings (September to June) focus on an informative speaker, fun lively discussions, as well as the more serious aspects of event planning and fund raising. Fun, good fellowship and service are the keystones of all Y’s Men’s activities.
We live our motto “To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right”.
On an annual basis, money raised through our members' (men & women's) effort, enables donations to the Midland YMCA Youth Program as well as other community initiatives. All funds raised are donated or spent in the community.
Y’s Men’s
"Once more we stand, new zeal our hearts im-bu-ing;
We raise our hand, our service pledge re-new-ing.
Ne'er to de-ny - our - mot-to's claim.
Y's men in fact as well as name.
Al-ways our ob - jects to pur - sue
We con-se-crate our-selves a - new".
“To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right”.