Consider joining the Midland Y’s Men’s Club and discover the many personal rewards of service club involvement while you contribute to your community. The official incorporated name is The Y's Men's Club of Midland; however, like many Y's Men Clubs are now open to all and are being referenced to Y's Service clubs. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from September through to June. Annual membership fee is $150.00, during any dinner meeting we pay as we go.
Join us to…
Meet new friends and have fun
Feel good about service to our community
Expand your personal limits and accept new challenges. We invite you to discover the rich history and proud achievements of the Midland Y’s Men’s Club.
Established in 1925, this successful service club continues to support the YMCA and the youth of your broader community through a vast array of projects, programs and activities that we have built, created, organized, operated and/or funded.
Here is a short list of the many Y’s Men’s accomplishments, past and present:
Annual Youth Basketball Tournament
Annual Lip Sync Contest
Founded (1945) and operate Y’s Men’s Music Festival (March-May)
Annual Sweepstakes Draw
Annual Golf Tournament
Staff annual Teen Town Reunion Dance
Adopt-a-highway program (Spring/Fall)
Habitat for Humanity support
Support of many Camp Kitchikewana projects
Principal donor and campaigners YMCA Pool
Principal donor and campaigners YMCA Expansions in the past and campaigners for the 2005 Capital Campaign
Established the Huron Indian Village
Operated Y’s Men’s summer playground
Support a wide variety of projects in our community
…. and many Many more!

Find out about Midland Y’s Men’s Club Membership
Contact us for all the details and then join us as a guest at one of our weekly dinner meetings.
Club meetings are:
The second and fourth Tuesdays of the month – September till June
from 06:30 – 08:00 p.m.
Features: dinner, cash bar, guest speaker and lively programs.
No commitment to attend every meeting.
Download Membership Application
Email Us
Find out about Midland Y’s Men’s Club Membership
Bob Bray
René Ouellet Jr.
Vice President
Blair Stotesbury
Rob Heming
Drew Plaxton
Past President
Tim Dunlop
Director at Large
Alan Condren
Gerry Lesperance
Joe Jurmain
Daniel Broome
Kevin Leonard
Ryan Dunlop
D'arcy McMahan
Don Vaillancourt
Chris Walsh